Rabu, 23 November 2016

the online informatioan debate

Nama kelompok :
1.      Yuyun Yuliana                       : C1051161006
2.      Oshin Martha Octavia            : C1051161060
3.      Desti Ernawati                        : C1051161052
4.      Munawarah                             :C1051161048
5.      Nurhadini                                : C1051161034

Desti : website do you use to find information?
Oshin ; I usually use google.
Munawarah : why
Yuyun : because Google is more easily accessed and the information contained in google fuller
Nurhadini : and google also do not spenbecd a lot of time and more easily find the information we need.
Oshin : does your school  have any rules about using such sites ?
Yuyun : one rule we have is  only at designated for campus college students to access issues related to the subjects that are positive
Nurhadini :  two rule we have is not use the site for negative things but to things that are concerned with tuition
Munawarah: three rule we have is The site used to find the course material is not to look for things that are negative
Yuyun : does your teacher  have any rules about using such sites ?
Oshin : not because the site is general to open
Desti : not because the site was public and everyone is free to open
Hurhadini : what are the differences betweeen online information and information from libraries or encyclopedias ?
Yuyun ; information online using social media, while print media information using the library
Oshin : online information can be accessed anywhere, while the library information in a book
Desti : with not much time spent online library of information whereas a lot of time due to annihilate the need to read
Munawarah: if using the online information is needed more quickly get the information in the library, while more difficult to find

postingan ke 8

Hello how are you all? I hope fine ya ... ..
Meet again with fascinating stories of my course in my blog. So on this occasion I will share interesting stories, especially to readers of my blog, here I will tell the story ten years to come. I want to be a child who boast both my parents with the success that I have achieved so far is not only proud of the success I will I dream about the future, but I want to be a valuable person in God's eyes because without the intervention of God I am not going to form the people successful and without the prayers of my parents I would not be so successful. In the future I will live independently together with my small family, and I want to build my family that my family stays happy, peaceful and serene.

A few of my stories, less and more shall I apologize. thank you.

Kamis, 17 November 2016

Articel rain forest

Borneo is not the first special where I first lost, and certainly not the last. Nevertheless, the destruction of the forest inspired me to try to make a difference.
In college days, I wrote the book to raise awareness of these places, and what happens there. I spent three years to write the book, and finally found a publisher. It seems that everything will go smoothly.
Then one day I received the bad news from the publisher: they do not have enough money to include pictures in my book. How might I be able to show the beauty of these places without a photo?
That question kept circling in my head for weeks. Then I remember the reasons why I wanted to write the book. I do not write for the sake of getting money, I am writing to make people become concerned about the rainforest.
The next day I started to make a web site to upload my book for free. I named the mongabay.com web site, taken from the name of another special place: Nosy Mangabe, a spectacular island near Madagascar to the past. Since then, mongabay.com has become one of the sites of nature conservation the most popular on the internet. On page children's section, partly behind this book, now available almost more than 40 languages, and I have uploaded over 50,000 photos I took in many countries. I have had the opportunity to travel the world and meet some wonderful people.

First = pertama
Certainly =  pasti
Nevertheless = namun
Destriction = kehancuran
Inspired = bersemangat
Difference = perbedaan
Awareness = kesadaran
Happens = terjadi
Spent = menghabiskan
Concesrred =  Prihatin
Another = lain
Behind = di belakang
Sites = situs
Conservation = konservasi
Avoilable = tersedia
Wonderful = hebat
Countries = negara
Rainforest =  hutan hujan
Spent = menghabiskan

Rabu, 16 November 2016

song favorit

Hay ...... meet again with fascinating stories of desti Ernawati on this occasion I will share a story through my blog, I will tell my selection of karaoke songs, entitled at the time I went, the song is sung by the band dadali.
Song called at the time I went this menginfirasi love story I was in high school because of the song called at the time I went on this same words as the story of my love, which at that time was the story of my love ends when I loved him very much and until now I have not can forget it because for me only he could change my life, and he can teach me the meanings of life, a lot of things that I know after he taught me, but now I realize that love can not be in force as if he was not in destined to me for what I maintain a relationship with him and now I just want to start a new life and start to forget all the memories as long as I was with him once, through a song called at the time I went here I learned to forget him Because for me the words of the song of this dadali very taught me to let go let go and forget him, that's why I prefer a song titled dadali when I went by, so the story can I tell less and more shall I apologize I say thank you for your attention.

Selasa, 08 November 2016



Once gorged is part of Sambas, after the expansion is now stuffed into counties as well. Bengkayang had a truly wonderful travel if we could get there. Like the one person who stands on a cloud there are whose name Bukit Mushrooms. Named like this not because of the hill in the overgrown lot fungus but as if we were on top of the hill we will be served a lovely view of a bunch of clouds that form like 1 fruiting. If you are one person traveling and want to find an incredible sensation of Bengkayang please visit the Mushroom Hill.
Mushrooms hill located in Kalimantan precisely in the area Bengkayang. Lately 2014 "Hill fungus" located in Bengkayang district, West Kalimantan visited by hikers, visitors Bukit fungus increases as the Christmas holiday yesterday, tourists flocked camped on the hill. Bukit fungus is one of the tours in West Kalimantan, his height reached 500 meters above sea level, on top of the hill we could get a moment ocean clouds in the morning - morning. To reach the top of the hill takes about 2 to 3 hours, along the way during the hike you will be treated to beautiful scenery around bukit.mengapa I love a visit to the hill mushrooms? Because the fungus hill is a beautiful hill in gorged and place and the place is also suitable for traveling and has a beautiful panorama.